
Tuesday 7 September 2021

La Fosse, Moulin Huet, Icart Point, Petit Bot Bay

Le Vallon

Today's walk starts close to where we finished yesterday at Le Vallon. It consists of two or three delightful, presumably Victorian, houses. From there we followed the Water Lane and then a road down to Moulin Huet Bay.

We turned right and climbed, soon passing this entertaining picture frame.

Beside it was a delightful picture by Renoir.

 We passed the headland at Bon Port ...


... and soon we were forced inland at Saints Bay. We saw a Martello Tower on the other side of the valley as we continued inland and then back along the opposite side of the inlet.

At the Tower we took a right turn climbing through woodland towards a hotel. On the distant horizon inland we spotted this unusual religious building, but couldn't quite work out where it was.

 Reaching the top of the climb at Icart Point we had a good view back towards Jerbourg Point ...

... and admired the cliff top path which lay ahead.

This was a very pleasant section of the walk which ended in a descent to Petit Bot Bay where there was a cafe and another Martrello Tower.

But the best bit was seeing the narrow bay at low water.

At this point we headed inland to reach the main road near the airport and catch a bus back to St Peter Port.

Conditions: warm and pleasant.

Distance: about 6 miles.

Guide: Walking on Guernsey (Cicerone). 

Walk done on September 7.

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