
Monday 6 September 2021

Fermain and Jerbourg Point


                                                                            Fermain Bay

We began by catching a bus from St Peter Port to Sausmarez Manor (pronounced so-maray) and walking down a lane, Le Varclin, towards Fermain Bay. After a while we left the lane and followed a track through the woods which brought us to the Coast Path south of Fermain Bay. We had a much clearer view today of the Pepperpot fort.

We climbed steadily and followed a high path above sea level. We reached Marble Bay and followed a path leading downwards across the back of an inlet. We could hear some swimmers far below. We climbed up the other side to follow a high path overlooking the sea.

We continued along a pleasant track with occasional climbs and descents to approach St Martin's Point. We declined the suggestion of our walk book to climb down further steps to the end where a white cube houses the light and fog signal.

A hundred steps later we reached the Strassburg Command Bunker at the top. It was constructed deep into the ground by the Germans. All you can see now is a grassy mound and various people recovering from the climb.

We followed the clifftop path and noticed our first German fortification projecting out of the rocks.

Not too long afterwards we passed the rocky Jerbourg Point. The rocks at the end are known (for some reason) as the Pea Stacks.

We turned the corner to walk along the west side of Jerbourg Point to gain a broad view of Moulin Huet Bay.

A bit further along the secluded sandy beach came into full view. 


We followed the path along the cliff top and paused for a drink at the cafe at Moulin Huet Bay.

We headed inland now towards the site of the Huet Mill, where we have our first encounter with a Water Lane. The defining feature is a stream which has been turned into a mini-canal which runs alongside a path.

The water bed is stone-paved with multi-coloured rocks at least in places. It is all rather magical.

The water lane ends at the Ville Amphrey where extensive building works are underway. We follow a path, the Ruette Fainel, beside the works until we come to Le Vallon, where there are a group of delightful houses in a kind of private close. (I plan to take a picture or two tomorrow, as we will be repeating this little section of the route).

We now follow a quiet street called Le Vallon towards our starting point and finishing point at Sausmarez Manor. We pass a derelict windmill at Moulin Huet and walk a short way down the road to wait for a bus (happily not long in coming). The bus service is very good.

Conditions: warm and sunny.

Distance: 6.25 miles.

Guide: Walking on Guernsey (Cicerone).

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