
Tuesday 25 January 2011

South Haven Point to Studland Bay (SW Coast Path 1)

The start of the Coast Path

Since we acquired our base in Poole, we have been pondering when and how to tackle the South West Coast Path, which starts at South Haven Point - on the other side of the chain ferry from Sandbanks. For our previous efforts at long-distance paths we have either taken two cars or walked with friends, again using two cars. Today we had a new idea: perhaps we could cover the route by means of a series of circular walks. Obviously, only part of the route would progress the Coast Path, but it would avoid having to organise a taxi to get back to the start. We will follow our previous principles and do the walk in its correct sequence and walk each leg in the right direction.

At present, we see ourselves eventually reaching Weymouth, or perhaps Lyme, but we will see. There is no hurry.

We crossed the chain ferry and parked at the car park on the other side and stood to attention by the sign post to Minehead (630 miles) before striding off along the sandy beach of Shell Bay.

The tide was quite low and so it was possible to make rapid progress walking on the firm sand near the water's edge. At the end of the beach, we turned the corner and continued our progress along the straighter, and much longer, Studland Bay, passing the famous Naturist area without distraction.

We left the beach at the Knoll Beach visitor centre and headed inland to soon reach Godlingston Heath, where we passed to the east of the wonderful Agglestone, just touching the route of an earlier walk from Studland to Old Harry's Rocks. It was remarkably sandy on the heath, and in places walking was actually harder work than on the beach!

We then headed north to find and cross the road back to the chain ferry and enter the nature reserve that surrounds the lake known as the Little Sea - originally a sea water lagoon. The early evening view across towards Old Harry's Rocks was delightful, with a pinky tinge in the sky.

We followed the line of the road back to the deserted car park.

From: 50 walks in Dorset (AA) - but done in reverse, from a different starting point, and with a bit cut off.

Map: Explorer OL15 (Purbeck and South Dorset).

Distance: just under 6 miles, of which 2.5 was on the Coast Path.

Conditions: dry, cloudy, some mud.

Rating: four stars.

Signs that winter is ending

The broom was starting to come into flower on the heath. Winter's dominion is beginning to wane.

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