
Saturday 17 July 2021

Stanton Fitzwarren, Hannington & Broad Blunsdon

We started this walk at the village of Stanton Fitzwarren, not far from Swindon on the north east tip of Wiltshire. We parked in slightly the wrong place but as we walked down the road we did get to see this wonderful piece of thatching.

We left the village street and walked across grassland and then a field-edge path to reach Staples Farm. We crossed the road and walked along a grassy green lane with numerous butterflies, Meadow Browns and Ringlets especially.

The walk took us to the eastern side of Hannington and offered a fine rural vista as we got closer.

We emerged into Hannington close to Hannington House. According to Pevsner it dates from 1653. The building on the left bears the inscription Henricus Breke CB 1836, presumably a former owner.

We walked into the village passing what looks like a former chapel on the right ...

... and soon reached the delightful Jolly Tar pub. We found we just had to pause for a glass of beer. We would perhaps have had lunch as well except that it was fully booked.

We headed along the main street and took path to the left and then followed a series of paths heading south west. We passed Lower Burytown Farm and were very taken by the large yew drums in its garden.

We climbed steadily to enjoy fine views to the north ...

... and then to reach Castle Hill, a typical iron age hill fort.

The final section was disappointing. We continued along a lane to turn south east at the cemetery and cross fields to reach a quite busy road. We walked along the narrow verge and turned right past a farm and then were directed to go through a gate and continue in the same direction across several fields to reach Mill Lane and then Stanton Fitzwarren. We succeeded in accomplishing this, but the odd sign post would have helped.

From: 100 walks in Wiltshire.

Distance: 5.5 miles.

Map: Explorer 169 (Cirencester & Swindon).

Rating: 3 stars.

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