
Monday 17 June 2019

France: Le Bettex to Les Communailles

Mont Blanc

It's the last morning of our short stay with  John and Anne at La Cry and as it is a beautiful day we re out fro a short walk. We make the short drive up to the ski station at Le Bettex and head off in the direction of the hamlet of Les Communailles. It is a mainly level path with the valley carrying the road from Chamonix below on the left.

Quite quickly I spot this little butterfly, which I at first take for some sort of Blue. More careful study when I returned home revealed it to be a Sooty Copper, a first for me.

Some after, another first. A Pale Clouded Yellow flies by - and then, miraculously, lands to allow a photograph.

Butterfly numbers seemed to be down this year and even this flowery hillside, which has produced many interesting sightings in the past, had little to offer.

Further along, we starting to see orchids and this Common Spotted orchid stood out in a field of green.

Now a clear view to the left opened out and offered some typical alpine scenery with villages of LEes Communailles below.

On the right was a grassy slope with a densely packed concentration of Trolius.

Then the path entered some woodland and meandered round the contours for a while. It's not all that obvious from the photo, but this damp slope was covered in small pink flowers. It was a pretty sight and I suppose I should have zoomed in to make it more visible.

Emerging from the woods we passed the site of some building works and ended the walk with another nice alpine view.

It remained only to turn round and walk back.

Conditions: warm and sunny.

Distance: about 3 miles.

Rating: four stars. A delightful stroll.

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