
Wednesday 17 April 2019

Cheriton [Holden Farm] to Exton (South Downs Way 2)

We started our second leg of the South Downs Way with the weather forecast promising a nice sunny day, but for most of the way it was very grey. It was at least quite mild.

We set off from Holden Farm on the A272 and headed south through farm buildings. I liked the sculptural properties of a fallen tree at the edge of the farm - it reminded me of similar ones we saw a few months back on the beach in Tulum in Mexico.

Heading uphill between some trees I spotted my first Speckled Wood of the year ...

... and very soon afterwards my first male Orange Tip. (Only the male has an orange tip to its upper wings - this could just be spotted on this specimen.)

We headed almost due south through farm land and climbed steadily to emerge by a pub, The Milburys. We followed the road, now heading west and had some pleasant views to the north east ...

... and north. Both were dominated by brilliant yellow rape fields and hazy sky.

Mercifully we soon found a footpath parallel to the road and followed this to reach Wind Farm, where we walked through the farm yard and then took a field edge track, now heading south west.

Soon we headed a lot of yapping and sound of horns: it was some hunting types who turned out to be training their dogs. They were very friendly and pleasant - we didn't enquire exactly to what use the dogs were to be put.

Soon after we passed Lomer Farm I was delighted to spot a pristine Peacock sitting on the ground, as they do.

Soon afterwards a nice male Brimstone perched on a bluebell obliged for a photo

This was part of nice little blue bell clump.

The next major landmark was Beacon Hill (201m). The signs and the map were slightly at odds, but we successfully passed to the west of the hill ...

... and followed the path downhill and across fields to reach Exton, today's target destination. Here is Exton church.

Conditions: mild but grey.

Distance: 5.5 miles.

Map: Explorer 132 (Winchester, New Alresford & East Meon).

Rating: four stars. A good day for early season butterflies: a Holly Blue and a Red Admiral also spotted.

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