
Wednesday 12 December 2018

Mexico: Tulum Beach

I haven't often blogged about walking along the beach - the walk around Shell Bay and Studland Bay is the only example which comes to mind. However, the beach at Tulum is rather fine and we had a very satisfying walk along it soon after we arrived.

Our hotel is towards the south end of the long line of hotels which are set at the back of the beach, among the palm trees. We headed south, with the Caribbean on our left, in the direction of the Sian Ka'an nature reserve hoping to get away from the built-up area. This was the view back after a while.

We came upon this sculptural piece of driftwood. Just as I was reaching for my camera, a couple appeared and she began to disport herself in various poses across the branches while he took pictures. Mercifully, they had vacated the spot by the time we got back.

Further on, another fine tree trunk enlivened the shore line.

After about 45 minutes walking we felt we had left the developed area behind. The density of washed-up seaweed was noticeably greater. It was tempting to carry on, but the afternoon was getting on so we headed back.

Soon a flock of birds passed us on the seaward side. They were soon identified as Sanderlings. Not being birders, we found it astonishing that the same birds can be found on Studland beach.

Rather wonderful, the flock then landed and flowed back and forth across the beach.

As it got darker, we saw some Frigate Birds and another flight of large birds passed by overhead which we could not identify.

Later I popped out to catch the sunset. It's always better going down over the sea, but here we had to settle for a landward setting sun.

Conditions: hot with a cooling breeze.

Distance: Perhaps 4 miles.

Rating: four stars. Delightful and varied.

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