
Monday 2 October 2017

Stockbridge to Awbridge (Test Way 4)

Common Marsh

We set off from Stockbridge with Viv and Giles on the fourth stage of the Test Way, soon reaching Common Marsh. The path ahead looked quite inviting, but we turned left to rejoin the disused railway we followed for some way on the previous leg.

The first excitement was this spectacular caterpillar, identified I think as a Pale Tussock Moth.

The path ahead was very pleasant with its overhanging canopy of green leaves.

As we passed Hooper's Farm, we admired a small group of lean orangey pigs in a suitably muddy sty.

We crossed a bridge as we approached Horsebridge, the railway may have had two tracks here, and admired the delicate colours to be seen on the shallow river bed.

This was the Park Street, one of the Test's many side streams.

Horsebridge was once the site of a railway station and the platform and signal box can still be glimpsed in what is now a private garden.

After another mile and half or thereabouts, we finally left the disused railway and circled around the National Trust property at Mottisfont and admired this splendid stretch of the Test.

The parish church of St Andrew offered a handy bench for the inevitable picnic lunch. The church dates from the 12th century, but, like most, was renovated in the 19th century.

We crossed a railway bridge at Kimbridge and joined a road at Awbridge, admiring the beautiful proportions of this house and the skill of the thatchers.

We ended this leg at Awbridge Village Hall, just off the path.

Conditions: mild, but cloudy.

Distance: about 6.5 miles.

Map: Explorer 131 (Romsey, Andover & Test Valley).

Rating: three stars. Pleasant walk, great company.

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