
Friday 30 June 2017

Valencia: The port

The restored section of the former maritime station

Today's plan was to visit the port of Valencia, looking in particular for the former Maritime Station, and enjoying a fish lunch at one of the many restaurants along Passeo de Neptuno at the port end of the beach. We got there by taking the metro to Benimaclet and then tram to the Arenes tram stop. Our first sights were the massive beach (both long and deep), mainly to the north ...

... and a tree-lined path heading towards the port.

We soon found there was much more to see than we had expected. The first surprise was the former Varadero Public (which translates as public repair yard).

It was built in 1915 and appears to be nearing the end of a modern refurbishment and extension. We especially admired the bright red-orange brick, the windows and the frieze of ceramic tiles.

 Almost opposite was the enormous Customs House.

We followed the road to find the former station. It consists of a train shed with a stone building at each end. The engineer was Federico Gomez de Membrillera. The building at the far end has been fully restored and looks wonderful, restoration of the the one at the near end seems to just be starting. It looks rather picturesque.

The tiled frieze of fish and the extremely ornate plaster work were especially impressive.

Just next door is the Port Authority building with a wonderful Italianate tower.

As we walked back we noticed some pleasing new office buildings by the quay ...

... and another intriguing one beyond.

Conditions: hot (32 degrees) and sunny.

Distance: a couple of miles.

Rating: five stars.

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