
Wednesday 14 June 2017

Plateau de la Croix to Porcherey

View from Plateau de la Croix

We are the French Alps visiting our friends John and Anne, and John has come up trumps with this simple but wonderful walk. We park at Plateau de la Croix and head uphill towards Mont Joly. It is immediately clear that the wild flowers are in full bloom, but will there be butterflies?

Of course there will! Within minutes I spot a flash of orange which turns out to be a Purple-edged Copper (Lycaenae hippothoe).

A bit further up the hill is a small flower meadow with what seems to be a carefully chosen palette of white, lilac, pink and yellow.

I soon spot a beautiful fritillary which the very useful Butterflies of France website enables me to identify as Weaver's Fritillary.

As ever with Fritillaries, identification depends on the underside and the website has a wonderful gallery of all of those found in in France.

We head on uphill and soon have a fine view towards the valley which leads to the Swiss border and Geneva.

Further on there is a nice alpine view with a small farm and the rocky ridge which is directly opposite Jon's chalet.

Carrying on uphill towards Mont Joly, there is a more conventional alpine view on the left.

Now, somewhat surprisingly I spot a Wood White.

And further along the track there is an Almond-eyed Ringlet (Erebia alberganus)

Finally, there is a sighting of one of my favourite butterflies: the striking Black-veined White. Once (well, before about 1925) it could be seen in England.

Conditions: warm and sunny.

Distance: two or three miles.

Rating: five stars. Lovely views, good company and some new butterfly sightings. What could be better?

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