
Thursday 16 February 2017

Venice: The golden triangle - Accademia, Rialto and San Marco

The Basilica of San Marco

We have just arrived in Venice for a short break and we are staying at hotel midway between San Marco and Santo Stefano, so we set out to reacquaint ourselves with the city by doing a favourite triangular walk. We were soon in Santo Stefano, the large campo (square) named after the lovely Gothic church. Outside is typically red brick and white marble details.

Inside there is a famous - and almost unique - Ship's keel Roof.

We made the short detour to the Accademia bridge, one of only two across the Grand Canal. There is a great view towards the mouth of the Canal with the church of Santa Maria della Salute on the right and the Dogana (Customs House) beyond it.  

We headed off towards Rialto quickly reaching Campo S Anzolo, where there were a couple of classic palaces and the traditional well-head fed by an underground cistern.

Looking back you can see the leaning campanile of Santo Stefano, one of the tallest in Venice.

A sequence of narrow streets leads to the Rialto bridge. It is difficult to photograph from the right bank so we crossed over to the other other side to see it more clearly. It is always entertaining to remember that it was the work of Andrea da Ponte.

Now we doubled back to Campo St Bortolomio where there is an exquisite group of windows.

 We followed the narrow winding Merceria to reach San Marco where the facade of the Basilica was illuminated by the late afternoon sun.

So too was the adjoining Doge's Palace.

The 15th century Clock Tower however was in the shade.

There was, finally, a fantastic view across to the island church of San Giorgio Maggiore.

It remained only to head toward Accademia and return to our hotel So, all very touristy, but a great way to re-connect with the unique city that is Venice.

Distance: a couple of miles.

Conditions: bright and sunny.

Rating: 5 stars.

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