
Wednesday 7 December 2016

Corton to Hindon (Wessex Ridgeway [Wiltshire] 8)

The Dove Inn, Corton

We set out from the Dove at Corton, wher we had enjoyed an excellent lunch at the end of the previous stage of this walk. A left and a right brought us to a green path heading uphill to the south. This is the view back from near the top.

At the top we turned left and enjoyed a lovely view of the hillside sloping back down towards the Wylye Valley. The trees on the far side were especially pleasing.

We followed a farm track as far as Corton Filed Barn, where we turned right (south) and followed a broad track offering fine, if hazy views towards the west.

Pausing to find a hedge to go behind, we found this wonderful sign: Floristically Enhanced Green Margin. We imagined some poor florist dutifully planting loads of seedlings.

A bit further in we had a better view of the combe we saw earlier - it is clear from the map that it is     Whatcomb Bottom.

We continued on the same line and headed into what the map suggested was going to be a large, dense forest, Great Ridge. In fact it was more widely planted than we had expected and quite straightforward to navigate, if not especially photogenic.

This is the view back once we emerged on the other side. The sun had come out to welcome us and the sky was clearing somewhat.

We walked down to the busy A303 which we crossed without mishap and climbed along a muddy track towards Hindon. There was a nice view back once we reached the next ridge.\

We headed downhill into the village, passing the church of St John the Baptist (T H Wyatt, 1878). Pevsner says that the village was created by the bishops of Winchester in about 1220 and soon had about 150 houses. It was built all along the road from Salisbury to Taunton. Most of it was rebuilt in stone after a fire in 1745. It is very harmonious and attractive.

At the crossroads was the Lamb pub where we had an enjoyable lunch.

Conditions: not too cold, cloudy then brightening up.

Distance: 6 miles.

Map: Explorer 143 (Warminster & Trowbridge).

Rating: four stars.

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