
Thursday 17 March 2016

Spencers Wood, Three Mile Cross & Shinfield

A new housing development in Spencers Wood

The village where I live (Spencers Wood) is undergoing substantial development and it occurred to me that it might be worthwhile to capture what it is like now before it is changed out of recognition. The village had a population of just over 4,000 in the 2011 and the strategy of Wokingham Council is to build about 2,500 additional houses in the area just south of Junction 11 of the M4 (which also includes Three Mile Cross and Shinfield). Attention has focused on this figure and nobody seems to  have asked how many houses there are currently. I don't know either, but a reasonable guess might be 1600-2000, so a significant expansion is projected.

I walked down the hill towards Three Mile Cross, passing the new Crest development off the Basingstoke Road. Access is new road between existing houses and 100 houses are to be packed into the field behind them. 

At Three Mile Cross a small plot of land which surrounded a disused chapel has just been redeveloped with six detached houses miraculously packed in. The chapel itself has been ingeniously altered to provide two storey accommodation.

Turning right into Church Lane, after a few houses there are fields on both sides of the road, although the hedgerow on the left has been cut down in preparation for development. This pretty thatched cottage, one of very few in the area, will soon be surrounded by a modern estate.

Turning right into Hyde End Lane, an area on the right has been set aside for a public green space. With all the wooden fences and no other features at present it looks a bit over-engineered.

Further along the road, past a farm and a school there is Ryeish Lane on the right, a quiet narrow, winding lane I have often strolled along on an afternoon or evening. Sadly, there are going to be houses on both sides in due course.

Opposite is the field path to Shinfield where trees have already been planted to help create some small sense of separation as the two villages expand towards each other.

I walked across the open space to the edge of Shinfield. It looks more barren than hitherto, with next to no wild flowers - it was never very exciting visually, but at least you could expect to see some colour and a few common butterflies at the right time of year.

On the far side, the narrow hedged path into Shinfield was temporarily closed and part of the hedge had been torn down.

I turned left towards Shinfield church, it dates from the 14th century, although the tower was rebuilt in 1644 and there were alterations by Sir George Gilbert Scott in the 19th century. Opposite the church is the brick and half-timbered Farm Farm of 15th century origin, rebuilt in the 16th century.

Just off to the left is the former rectory, a rather splendid construction of 1847, now L'Ortolan restaurant.

This little group present an oasis of traditional building in the desert of new houses than surrounds it. From here I walked down to the School Green and the pleasant red brick primary school founded in 1707 and extended in 1860 and 1889.

Walking down Millworth Lane and turning right brought me to another new public open space. Langley Mead, again rather bare and over-engineered, but already attracting some dog walkers.

I merged onto Hyde End Road and headed back into Spencers Wood, turning right just before another large new development, Croft Gardens, on what, last year were grassy meadows.

Conditions: a lovely sunny day.

Distance: about five miles.

It was good to be reminded of some nice local buildings, but obviously it was far too late to do what I set out to do - development has already had a massive impact and the shape of things to come is all too clear. It was however a worthwhile, but rather depressing, thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. My name is Michael Carroll. b 3/2/45 My mother's side was the Jerome family. I grew up in Dunboyne just on the brow of the hill at Spencers Wood. The Jeromes originally from the Sherlock Row area can be traced back to the late 1500 and were Norman French. They were brewers and the family ran the Brehouse in Sherlock Row now a private dwelling. My Grand father was in the Boer war and most of his sons were Army in WW2. My mother was in the WAAFs when she met my father and Irishman who was working on a section of PLUTO enroute to the southern depots. (google it) My family also lived in Bramshill for a time and Grandad was manager of Lane Bottom Farm nr Risely. In the winter they worked on the Forestry Commission and in Summer were Agricultural Contractors. They were also instrumental in clearing wooded land on the Dukes estate to make arable. My Nan died and as the lease was in her name at Dunboyne the family spread to the 4 winds. We squatted originally with others in a hut at Stanbury Camp ex military ex POW camp for a few years but eventually local authority took over the upkeep and they all paid rent. W eventually moved to a nice house in Yeosfield Risely but after a few years back to Spencers Wood in Hyde End road. I used to make pocket money on a paper round and milk round. I also worked on Barry's Pig and Chicken farm opposite but its all gone now and is an estate same as Priors and Salmons orchards all built on. I joined the RN from Hyde End Rd aged 16 (March13th 1961) but worked at Lodden Court Farm for a year prior to that. I served in the Navy until the 1970s. My family meantime had moved to Grazely Rd 3 Mile Cross. My mother died there suddenly 1974 of a brain bleed age 51. My father died 2005 aged 93. Some of my friends when I was growing up were Robin Alexander and Peter Beals but many are now long gone. I had 4 siblings Patrick died in Australia age 71. Tessa is 70 and lives in Reading. Tim lives in Australia. Terry was in Australia now back in UK 20 yrs.
    I hate what has happened to the old village but I dont live there anymore i live in the sticks close to the Dukes estate. Ive been all over the world seen many things and met many different peoples of all colours and races. I have more years behind than in front and the world holds no mysteries for me. I dont think life of the future will be as quiet, gentle, and free as it was in my youth.
