
Wednesday 1 July 2015

Above Romme

This post describes a short, but lovely walk, we undertook with our friends John and Anne in the hills above the village of Romme, where we later had lunch. We followed a winding path around the hill side, primarily aware of a rich variety of wildflowers, not all of which we could identify.

Heath Spotted Orchid

Alpine Thistle

This was an especially pretty corner, although it was surprisingly free of butterflies.

Blue sow-thistle (Cicerbita plumieri) Cicerbita means chicory-like

Blue-spiked Rampion (Phyteuma betonicifolium)?

We reached a hazy, but attractive view point.

Alpine plantain (Adenophyles leucophylla)

Beautiful, but alas, unidentified

Another lovely view towards the higher peaks.

Bearded Bellflower (Campanula barbata)

The final viewpoint before we turned round and retraced our steps.

Conditions: warm and sunny, if a bit hazy.

Rating: four and half stars. Very rich in flowers.

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