
Tuesday 2 June 2015

Treyarnon Bay to Trevone Bay (South West Cost Path 75)

It's been raining for about 20 hours since we reached Treyarnon Bay yesterday. The forecast for today is encouraging, but as we set off again it is grey and drizzling. Passing round Treyarnon Point we reach the vast expanse of the lovely Constantine Bay and walk its full length along the softish sand. Above is the rather hazy view back.

At the end you climb a few steps and pass into Boobys Bay. This is more rocky and the path follows the grassy area to the back of the beach. Inland there are a few scattered houses and we especially liked this 1930-ish one in the style of Edward Lutyens.

We plodded on, passing behind Dinas Head to reach Trevose Head, whose white lighthouse we have seen intermittently since Newquay. That its light was on is indicative of the prevailing murk. 

I wanted to see the lighthouse more closely and we followed the road from behind the headland into a sort of courtyard where we were impressed by the pedimented entrance to the lighthouse and the four attached cottages forming a sort of courtyard.

A bit further on we turned a further unnamed headland and the weather miraculously relented - the sun broke through the clouds. We passed this fantastic art deco house above a small bay ...

... and soon reached Mother Ivey's Bay. There was a large holiday park behind the sandy beach. The back of the beach great views back to the newish Padstow lifeboat house and the Merope Rocks. 

We rounded Cataclews Point to reach the simply huge Harlyn Beach.

We followed the path above the beach around the right side and then had to descend and walk the last bit along the sand. In the far right corner a small river enters the bay under a bridge and we reached the road there near to a welcoming pub where a wedding party were celebrating in what was now warm sunshine.

After a refreshing drink we walked around the grassy headland to Trevone Bay, where it was a pleasure to see another of these lovely sandy beaches being used for its true purpose.

Conditions: wet at first, but eventually quite sunny. A high wind throughout.

Grading: Easy.

Map: Explorer 106 (Newquay & Padstow).

Distance: 6.0 miles. Distance now covered 458 miles.

Severity: Moderate.

Rating: Four stars.

1 comment:

  1. Great walk, good directions and lovely beaches and wild sea… perfect.
