
Friday 16 January 2015

Iguazu: Macuco Trail

The entrance to the trail

Today we decided to take a 3.5 km trail through the sub-tropical jungle to a small pool. Naturally I hoped we would see butterflies on the way.

We set out mid-morning and we were mildly disconcerted when the barrier bore a cerrado (closed) sign. We pressed on however and quickly found ourselves on a broad mud track through greenery. It did not feel so different from home.

What was different was the soundtrack. It was very noisy and most noticeable was a creature shouting yiss at the top of its voice. Eventually I homed in on the source, a nondescript cicada.

And quickly afterwards we spotted this beautiful plant which assured us that we were indeed in a foreign country.

And soon after this there was an especially beautiful tree ... 

... which turned out to house a Variable Cracker butterfly.

I chanced to turn round following a butterfly and I was shocked to see a long snake slithering across the path where we had just walked.I haven't managed to identify it, and to be honest I am not sure if I really want to know.

Quickly we spotted a Blue Shadow hiding in the undergrowth. It a type of Owl butterfly, with blue upper wings.

We reached the end of the trail beside a stream which forms a waterfall down to a small pool where the younger people who have been doing the walk are disporting themselves. This is the view across towards the muddy Iguazu River.

And this is the view down to the pool.

On the way back we spotted (with some difficulty!) a Blue Leaf butterfly ...

...  a Red Rim ... 

... and a Malachite. 

This was a great delight as we have seen this beautiful butterfly in butterfly houses from Stratford to Costa Rica, but never before in the wild.

Conditions: Sunny and hot, but at least there was plenty of shade in the jungle.

Distance: about 7 kilometres.

Rating: four and a half stars/

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