
Monday 8 September 2014

Cape Cornwall to Trevean Cliff (South West Coast Path 64)

We set out inland from Cape Cornwall up the right side of the Kenidjak valley. There was soon a wonderful view back towards Cape Cornwall.

The view up the valley reveals its industrial past. There was once a whole series of tin mines with water and steam power used to drive processes for cleaning and purifying the ore.

A second view down the valley from higher up the valley offers a further dramatic view towards Cape Cornwall.

We headed along the cliff top past the insignificant remains of Kenidjak Casle towards the even more industrialised area of Botallack. The engine houses at the bottom of the cliff are especially dramatic. The mine of course extended out under the sea.


 The path continued across heathland to reach Levant Mine, now owned by the National Trust. A series of three chimneys made an impressive sight. I was, perhaps rather fancifully, put in mind of photos I have seen of the Greek temples in Agrigento, Sicily.

We descended through a large area of industrial archaeology, passing also the modern Geevor tin mine on the right, to come in sight of the lighthouse at Pendeen Watch.

As we approached, I was thrilled to make two further sightings of the immigrant Clouded Yellow (we saw some yesterday as well). After a pleasant break for lunch on a bench near the lighthouse, we headed on along the north coast. We were delighted to spot a couple of seals just near the shoreline as we looked down towards the sea.

The view ahead towards Gurnard's Head was delightful.

The immediate target was the perfect Portheras Cove, the tip of whose sandy beach can just be seen on the right above.

It was a steep climb up from there but the next section was an easy stroll across heathland towards our endpoint. The indented coast continued to be dominated by Gurnards Head. 

Soon after this we found the footpath up to where we had left the car.

Conditions: warm and sunny.

Grading: Moderate.

Distance: 6.5 miles (distance now covered 385.8 miles.

Map: Explorer 102 (Land's End).

Rating: four stars.

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