
Sunday 6 June 2010

Broadway Tower to Stanton (Cotswold Way 2)

The Broadway Tower

Time to continue our struggle with the Cotswold Way with our friends from Cirencester. We did the thing with the two cars and set off downhill from the Broadway Tower. (The weather was rather grey so I have used a photo from last time.) Soon we saw the clear undulating residue of a ridge and furrow field system on the slope.

We reached the upper end of Broadway High Street and walked along it, past the Lygon (pronounced liggon) Arms, where I recently had a birthday celebration and took this photo.

Left at the village green and then right brought us across fields to then climb up to Broadway Coppice.

We went through the copse and followed the field edge to reach the top of the combe in which the pretty village of Buckland sits - we did this circular walk from Broadway to Buckland during the birthday weekend.

The path then follows a track and skirts Shenbarrow Hill, before making a long and quite steep descent.

Fine views were offered on the way down.

Once we reached the delightful village of Stanton we repaired to the superb Mount Inn for an excellent lunch. And now the rain, which had threatened all morning, finally started to fall.

Conditions: cloudy, threat of rain, mild.

Distance: 6 miles.

Rating: four stars.


I am a bit disappointed with today's photos: not many, no flowers, not much inspiration. I did not really seem to be in the mood and the dull weather did not help. Also we were talking a lot and it seems more disruptive to keep stopping to take pictures when you are four rather than two.

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