
Monday 7 September 2009

Llafranc to Cap Roig Botanic Gardens

View from Cap Roig to Llafranc

The last time we stayed in Llafranc we walked along the Cami de Ronda, or coastal path, from Llafranc to the small beach at Golfet, in sight of Cap Roig. This time, we decided to go on to see the celebrated Cap Roig botanic garden.

We again climbed up the steps from Llafranc, walked along the path and round the headland bringing into sight the bay that houses Callella. This is the view just as you are about to turn the corner into the bay.

We walked through the village and up the long slope on the other side to regain the coastal path, with wonderful views now looking back to Callella, with Llafranc behind.

Here is a typical section of path.

Just before Golfet beach, the path turns inland, up steps and through a housing development to suddenly emerge in open country. The Cami de Ronda continues across country to return to the coast further along at Platja de Castell, while the road leads left to the Cap Roig gardens.

After a further climb we entered the gardens. They are now owned by the Girona regional government, but were created over a forty year period from 1927 by a Russian colonel, Nicolai Woevodosky and his English wife, Dorothy Webster.

The architectural centrepiece is the castle, built in a moorish-influenced gothic style.

In the interior there is a beautiful cloister, with a wonderful holly oak tree at its heart.

There are a series of terraced paths and gardens on the steeply sloping site.

And as you approach the sea, there are vertiginous views down to it.

Rating: Four stars


I had imagined that a garden might be just the place to see some butterflies, but the only ones we saw in any quantity were Painted Ladies, which have been plentiful at home this year.

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