
Wednesday 8 July 2009

Arborfield (Carter's Hill and Barkham Brook) 4

Just time for a local walk this afternoon, so I again do one of my favourites - first described in April 2007. Just for a change I decided to do it in reverse and it was interesting to see how different it felt.

The views are different - for example there was a nice view of Arborfield church across the fields, which in the normal direction you would have to think to stop and look over your shoulder for. The dynamic of the walk is different too, with the ascents and descents coming at different places in the walk and the short, boring section of road coming at the end rather than the beginning.


A deer. Not too unusual, but not as shy as they usually are. This one carefully watched me go by.

Some butterflies despite the inauspicious conditions: Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Small Heath, Gatekeeper, Painted Lady.

And this lovely bell heather, with bonus six-spotted burnet moths.

But for once no Kites.

Flowers of the day

Quite a lot of wildflowers today, so I have picked two:

Marsh Woundwort

Common Mallow

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