
Sunday 4 November 2007

Burnham Beeches

Egypt Woods

A lovely autumn day, dry and sunny - what could be nicer than a walk in Burnham Beeches? Starting to the north of the main part of the Beeches (where it was predictably very crowded with other people who had the same idea) this walk goes first away from the woods to the village of Hedgerley then through Egypt Woods, named after a gypsy encampment.

From: Pathfinder Guide No 25 Chilterns and Thames Valley (Jarrold).

Rating: three and half stars.

Map: Explorer 172 (Chiltern Hills East).


What was really striking, apart from the lovely autumn colours of course, was that in the woods you could actually hear the leaves falling. It felt as though autumn was really coming urgently this year.


The early part of the walk passed between open fields and it was surprising to see a flock of buzzards wheeling overhead. We couldn't see - or guess - what might be attracting their interest.

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