
Friday 3 August 2007

Newtown Common and Horris Hill (south of Newbury)

A short (4 miles) figure of eight walk starting in the village of Newtown at a parking area on the edge of Newtown Common. The walk passes through pleasant woods to skirt the edge of the common, cross two main roads and climb to the fairly inconsequential Horris Hill. It then loops back and ends with a further section through the woods which cover the common. Couldn't find a photograph to capture anything distinctive.

From: Rambling for Pleasure: Kennet Valley and Watership Down by David Bounds for the East Berkshire Ramblers’ Association Group.

Map: Explorer 158 Newbury and Hungerford.

Rating: 3 stars.


Two lovely fritillary butterflies in quick succession: a magnificent Silver Washed Fritillary (predominant colour a gorgeous orange - the largest fritillary with a powerful gliding flight) and a Dark Green (actually brownish looking) Fritillary disturbed from its position on the side of a wooden gate.

Then on a nondescript patch of weeds, mainly thistles, a dozen or more Brimstone butterflies - perhaps newly hatched. Every plant seemed to have one.

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