
Friday 27 April 2007

Aborfield (Carter's Hill and Barkham Brook)

An inviting track

Just time for a short local walk this morning, so repeated one I often do when I want to get out but time presses. From the pub in the centre of this small village (albeit located on a fairly busy road) the circular route goes past the village church and then along a series of tracks past fields and through woods, and twice over a stream. Unusually for this part of the country there is only one stile - and you can walk round it. It offers nice views over undulating country and a lot of variety in a short distance.

Rating: four stars (probably a bit generous, marked up for being near)

From: Rambling for pleasure around Reading (First series) by David Bounds for East Berkshire Ramblers' Association group.

Map: Explorer 159 (Reading)


More than anything I was struck by the vibrancy and variety of shades of green. The new leaves on the oaks and other trees were just so bright and well, green. Is it always like this at this time of year and I have never really paid attention - or are the current dry sunny conditions in some some way responsible?


In one of the wooded areas I came on some rhododendrons which were already coming into flower. A lovely sight, but a bit premature.

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